Sunday, December 18, 2011

Johnson & Johnson Shampoo a Cancer Risk

I've known for years to watch out for the typical "on the shelf" baby products and now finally something might be done to remove the harmful chemicals contained in baby shampoos. Well, when they finally run out of the chemicals anyway... This is a great reason to buy natural baby products for your baby!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Is Crying it Out Dangerous for Kids?

This is a great article and shows what many moms (who practice attachment parenting) already know. I only had two babies and I can tell you that you can't treat all babies the same. My son never slept well, and my daughter slept great early on. I  didn't let them cry themselves to sleep. Check out the article to learn why it's not a great idea to let your baby cry himself to sleep!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dr. Nancy Snyderman Calls Parents Selfish for Not Vaccinating Children

If you have done your own proper research, you will see the holes in Dr. Snyderman's comments on the Today Show. Unfortunately, the common viewer of shows like Today is usually busy doing other things, half hearing what is said, and believing the instruction that comes from someone with the title of, "Doctor." In case you missed it, below is the segment in question. After you watch it, please visit herd immunity, since you are being misled in this video about herd immunity. It is a myth. You might be left wondering, "If my unvaccinated child is putting others at risk, isn't that suggesting that the vaccines aren't working for the vaccinated children?"
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Treating Baby Eczema

If your baby has developed eczema, you need a lotion developed particularly for eczema in order to keep her skin moisturized after bathing. Also, you probably need to use a different baby wash, which may be causing the eczema to begin with. An excellent line of all natural baby products was developed when a mom discovered that her baby's eczema was actually caused by the soap and lotion she was using on her baby. I'm writing about this now because I saw the lotion being put on a child to moisturize her skin and help prevent or get rid of her eczema. Not only was it laden with unpronounceable ingredients, but it also reeked of fragrance. While the scent may be pleasing to the nose, it is one of the worst things to use when it comes to eczema! For the best all natural products, visit my internet store Eve's Best. For moisturizing dry skin common to eczema, we have an unscented baby lotion as well as a body butter. We also have unscented baby wash that will clean your baby without drying her skin, or causing an eczema flare up. I do urge you to continue searching for the cause of your baby's eczema. It could be something you are eating if you breastfeed, or it could be an allergy to something in your baby's formula. Sometimes the cause is discovered on accident, but you will be more likely to discover the cause if you are actively searching for it. Good luck!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

"The Greater Good" Vaccine Movie

Until November 8, 2011, you can view this movie for FREE! I watched it yesterday and it's a must watch for ALL parents...even if you think those anti-vaccine parents are wacky. I remember thinking that until I really started looking at both sides of the issue, which are perfectly portrayed in this movie. Watch it now!
The Greater Good

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Avoid PBDEs in Breast Milk

Most people today realize that you can try everything possible, and still not prevent toxins from infiltrating your baby somehow. In the last 10 years, the buzz about fire retardants has been pretty constant, especially with the news that they have been found in breast milk. Many moms then felt that breastfeeding was not good because the fire retardants would be entering their babies' systems from their breast milk. This is not true!
Toxic PBDE chemicals (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), which are commonly used in products such as carpets, textiles, polyurethane foam furnishings, electronics, plastics, and motor vehicles, are also unfortunately used in actual baby products. (See a listing here.)
According to Dr. Mercola,
"PBDEs disrupt mechanisms that are responsible for releasing hormones in your body, as well as alter calcium signaling in your brain, which is a critical mechanism for learning and memory.
These chemicals actually resemble the molecular structure of PCBs, which have been linked to cancer, reproductive problems and impaired fetal brain development.
Higher exposures to PBDEs have been linked to decreased fertility, which could be in part because the chemicals may mimic your thyroid hormones. Previous research has suggested PBDEs can lead to decreases in TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). When present with normal T4 levels, low TSH is typically a sign that you're developing hyperthyroidism, which can have significant ramifications both for you and your unborn child if you're pregnant."
So how do you prevent as much of these toxic chemicals from reaching your baby and your breast milk?
First, before you even become pregnant, sleep on a wrapped mattress. Sleep on a wrapped mattress as long as you are nursing your baby, to help prevent as much of the PBDEs from entering your body while you sleep. Not only can the toxins affect your baby in utero, it can continue to affect him through exposure to your breast milk. Keeping your breast milk as free from PBDEs as possible is your main goal, so look around your house for other ways to decrease exposure.
Second, make sure to change where your baby spends most of his time: his mattress. Wrap this with a BabeSafe mattress cover, and you are keeping these flame retardants from him for a greater part of his day. Also, don't constantly leave your baby in swings, infant carriers, etc. where the PBDEs are used.
For more information on how to shop for future products, check out this sheet from the Environmental Working Group.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Children's Car Seat Tests Reveal Harmful Chemicals, a project of the environmental non-profit The Ecology Center, found "chemicals of concern" in 60% of the more than 150 seats tested, including brominated flame retardants, arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury. tested for the chemicals of concern based on studies showing links to reproductive problems, developmental and learning disabilities, hormone imbalances and cancer.

We have spoken about such chemicals before, especially arsenic, due to its implication in crib death. For more information about which car seats are harmful and which are safer, visit HealthyStuff now.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Avoid Using a Baby Monitor

Many parents keep their newborn baby in their bedroom at night for easier feedings and diaper changes. Without realizing it, these parents are preventing exposure of an environmental toxin that many babies are exposed to every night in their own bedroom and crib. Baby monitors, usually put in the crib or right next to it, emit electromagnetic currents that can be harmful to baby's sensitive brain development. Just Google "emfs and baby monitors" and you can learn more about baby monitor use and changes you might want to make. If I had to do it all over, I would again keep my newborn in my bedroom where a baby monitor would not be necessary. And if at some point my baby was moved to his or her own room to sleep, any baby monitor used would be placed across the room and not so close to the crib. You can learn more about other electronic products and how to improve your entire house environment by googling "emf dangers" or "electrosmog."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dangers of Early Exposure to Common Chemicals

I started this blog many years ago to help warn unsuspecting parents of the dangers in everyday products. As I've met people over the years, I've realized how few parents have this information. Which is odd, because the research is out there, and almost everyone has the internet to rely on for information!
I've just read an article from Silent Spring Institute that discusses how early exposure to common chemicals may affect breast health. Simply put, we need to pay more attention to what we are doing now, especially with our children. What we do now can affect their chances of future breast cancers. (And if you think your sons are immune, they are not... early exposures can lead to enlarged breasts in men and boys.)
Here is the article.
Here is a link from the article on steps you can take to reduce your child's exposure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Natural Mosquito/ Bug Repellent

Just got in a new batch of the best mosquito repellent in the world! Perfect for the whole family, including your natural baby, I was reminded how awesome (and necessary!) this product is when I was around a DEET containing product and it made me cough. Also made my throat itch. Not good. Our mosquito repellent does not have to be washed off. It has a pleasant smell, and most importanly, IT WORKS! Check it out here:

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Vitamin C for Babies

It's winter and everywhere I turn, there are colds, flu, and babies with incessant runny noses and ear infections. The day before Christmas break, my own son came down with the flu. That is strange for us, because we regularly take Vitamin D to help prevent colds and flu. But after forgetting our D for a week, it happened. Immediately I gave him his liquid D, as well as Vitamin C throughout the day. He was sick for only three days. Lucky? No. Vitamins!

My son is 9, so you might be thinking, like most parents, that Vitamin C is not appropriate for babies. Not so. As a matter of fact, there have been studies done showing that Vitamin C has shown promise in SIDS prevention. The reality is that Vitamin C is useful for treating or preventing a number of health problems in babies, children, and adults.

The question, however, is how much C should a baby take? Well, it depends, mainly on whether your baby is healthy or not. A sick baby needs more. A healthy baby needs less. And don't think you can get help from a doctor because that's probably not going to happen in this lifetime. But it's good to know that Vitamin C is not toxic. The worst that can happen is diarrhea, which is actually a good sign that you have reached the amount necessary to saturate the blood with C. Here is a guideline for typical amounts depending on the illness.

Why would you want to give a baby Vitamin C? I think the better question is, why would you want to give your baby dose after dose of antibiotics when they aren't working? Most parents don't realize how unhealthy antibiotics are, or that taking an antibiotic actually weakens your immune system. My son had one ear infection when he was a baby, and got strep throat while ON the antibiotic for the ear infection. That's crazy! But if the doctor had known about Vitamin C, my son would have been taking Vitamin C, along with the antibiotic to kick out the ear infection while boosting his immunity. (These days, I'd use higher doses of C to prevent the doctor visit in the first place!)

So babies get a lot of colds and ear infections (those not on Vitamin C that is!) First, you should give your baby Vitamin C on a regular basis. If someone is sick in the family, give more. If your baby shows signs of respiratory distress or runny nose, kick up the dose. Give Vitamin C all day long, not in one big dose. What they don't need will be elminated with urine, so it's important that it keeps going into the body. Increase the dose until your baby shows signs of intestinal distress, such as gas or loose stools. Then, keep giving the C, but at smaller doses. Do not be afraid of giving too much, as VITAMIN C IS NOT TOXIC. Many parents are afraid to put anything into their baby without the doctor telling them how much. You are just going to have to get over that. It amazes me that we don't question doctors who want to put DRUGS into our babies but when it comes to a vitamin, we get all nervous! I guess the problem is that we think if vitamins actually worked, the doctor would have already tried it. Nope! Doesn't work that way! Read about the politics of the RDA and Vitamin C.

The sooner you accept that the health of your baby is truly in YOUR hands, and that doctors don't know everything, the better off your baby will be. Just use your head!