Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Air Babies Breathe

Okay, so you have a squeaky clean baby that needs to sleep at one point or another, and we want to make sure we are putting our babies in a clean air environment. Again, there is no point in using "natural baby products" to clean our baby, and then putting them to sleep in a room with plug-in air fresheners, newly painted walls, brand new carpet, and the family pet. So how do you prepare your baby's room?

First, if your baby is already here, and it is too late to do some of these, consider moving your baby into your room if she isn't already there. Keeping a bassinet or co-sleeper next to your bed is the safest place for baby to sleep, assuming you haven't just remodeled your own bedroom. Regardless of what room your baby is sleeping in, you must wrap his mattress with a BabeSafe mattress cover. Mattress wrapping has been 100% successful in preventing SIDS.

Next, make sure to do all remodeling 6 months in advance of baby's arrival. This is near impossible for some families unless you have someone else to do the work. A pregnant mommy does not need to be near toxic fumes, so make sure that Mommy is only participating in the design phase! Also, it is best to remodel when you are able to open the windows. That way, any fumes will be allowed to escape outside rather than circulating in your home. We never suggest carpeting. Carpeting lets off horrible fumes as well as collects allergens as it ages- it is never a good idea with small children.

This information and more can be found at The Importance of Clean Indoor Air.

Another thing we'd like to add that is important for families to check is radon levels in your home. Radon gases in the home is a contributor to lung cancer in women who stay at home, since they are usually home all day breathing in radon that might be leaking from their home. It can also be a danger at office buildings, so working parents are not immune.

While you will hear on the news that the air outside is polluted and unhealthy, it is still much healthier than the air in our houses that is stale, not fresh, and full of gases being emitted from everything in it. Take your baby outside frequently, and during the night make sure that fresh air is available to your baby. Tricks to help this include keeping a ceiling fan running slowly, opening a window, or using an air purifier in baby's room. In winter, keep baby's room cool by closing the heat vent in his room. Or better yet, leave it open, and turn the entire house temperature down to 65 degrees. Cooler temperature is healthier for you, as well, and you will save on gas costs! If you can tolerate it, 60 degrees is even better. I am always cold, but I've discovered that using a programmable thermostat helps because you can have it come on before you get up! (Of course, if you are getting up during the night to feed or change baby, you will be a little chilly...)

Hopefully we have given you some ideas you wouldn't otherwise have thought of. There are so many things to worry about when you have little ones in your home!


cheap bedding said...

Filter the air in the room to make sure your baby breathes clean air. Find ways to prevent polluted air in the room.

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